The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. 

It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results

~ Carl Gustav Jung ~

Psychotherapy & Consultation

I offer psychotherapy with adults, adolescents and couples, supervision and consultation services for therapist who wish to grow in their work.

I provide a complete range of psychological services for those facing a variety of issues, including:

·        Depression

·        Anxiety 

·        Relationship difficulties

.    Sexual orientation or identity

·        Grief and loss

·        Physical, emotional and sexual abuse

·        Life crises and challenges

·        Loss of loved one

·        Relationship break-up

·        Job loss

·        Diagnosis of illness for yourself or a loved one

·        Trauma or injury

·        Life transitions

·        Marriage/Commitment

·        Separation

·        Divorce

·        Starting a family

·        Relationship endings

·        Remarriage

·        Role transitions

·        Parenting

·        Empty nesting

·        Family difficulties

·        Career concerns

·        Financial strain

·        Moves and relocations

·        Midlife transitions

·        Retirement

·        Aging


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